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Mindful Minute

HIV Stigma and Discrimination

HIV stigma and discrimination are still very real issues in our society, despite advances in medical treatment and increased awareness. Unfortunately, the social stigma surrounding HIV often causes shame and fear, leading to discrimination against people living with HIV. When we talk about HIV stigma, we mean the negative attitudes, beliefs, and actions of others towards people with HIV. Discrimination is the unfair treatment of people with HIV based on their health status. The stigma surrounding HIV can affect a person’s daily life, as well as their access to healthcare and social support. In this blog post, we will discuss HIV stigma and discrimination and how we can work to break down the barriers they create.

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PrEVENTION in a pill. Taking a once-daily pill can reduce your risk of contracting HIV by more than 90%.
Mindful Minute

Reduce your risk of HIV with PrEP

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, more commonly known as PrEP, is a medication taken daily to reduce your risk of getting HIV.  PrEP is approved by the FDA and has been shown to be safe and effective at preventing HIV infection.

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Shape of person created by varying alcoholic beverages that appear to float off into the distance like a thought bubble
Mindful Minute

Is Alcohol Putting You At Risk?

More Wisconsin adults report current alcohol use in the past 30 days (64.8%) than the U.S. average (55.1%). When Wisconsin adults drink, they tend to drink more often and consume more than adults in other states. (average of 2.6 drinks in WI).

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Mindful Minute

Colorectal Cancer – What You Need To Know

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month! During this important month Community Health Systems Inc. and the Colorectal Cancer Alliance (the Alliance) urge everyone to speak with their providers and learn more about colorectal cancer symptoms, risk factors, screening options.

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