February is National Children’s Dental Health Month!

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and here at Beloit Area Community Health Center, we’re using it get more kids in the dentist’s chair.

Because the need for dental appointments is in high demand locally, it can be difficult for a new patient to get a timely appointment. To that end, our community health center has set aside 100 appointment slots this February specifically for new child patients, age 0 to 6—an age that can set the stage for a lifetime of good oral health.

“Earlier is better to prevent cavities,” says Cori Tucker, the BACHC dental clinic manager. “As soon as your child has their first tooth, cavities can form.”

BACHC is proud to partner with Beloit’s Culvers restaurant in this push to provide early, preventative dental care to local kids; the local business is providing coupons for free treats for all new BACHC dental patients in the 0 to 6 age group in February.

To schedule an appointment for your child during this upcoming National Children’s Dental Health Month, call (608) 361-0311.