Empowering Latina Women

Pictured above from left to right: Laura Anderson, Fran Zamora, and Mollie Gill.

Giving a Voice to Health Care

Empowering Latino Women – that is what three women at Beloit Area Community Health Center want to accomplish with their new support group.

Laura Anderson, APNP, initiated setting up this group after speaking to several of her Spanish-speaking patients. They shared with her that support services were very scarce in our area. Laura took action and recruited Registered Nurse, Francisca Zamora, and Clinic Social Worker, Mollie Gill, to form a support group exclusively for Spanish-Speaking Women.

“It’s all about meeting our patient’s needs, and giving them a space to share their thoughts and concerns,” Anderson said.

The purpose of the group is for women to meet other women that are perhaps going through difficult situations and therefore form a new network of friends and support.

The first meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 21 from 5:15-6:15 p.m. at Beloit Area Community Health Center located at 74 Eclipse Center in Beloit, Wisconsin. There is no cost to participate and women can bring their children. Snacks and light refreshments will also be offered.

“Every day strong women face difficult obstacles, sometimes with tears in their eyes but always with their heads held high. This is why we want women to join this support group and not feel alone through their struggles,” stated Zamora.

If you have any questions or want to join, please call Fran Zamora at 608-361-0311. Community Health Systems, Inc. continues to work towards offering Comprehensive Care for Our Community.

Latina Women's Group flyer

Empoderar a las mujeres Latinas

Empoderar a las mujeres Latinas, eso es lo que tres de las mujeres que trabajan en Beloit Area Community Health Center, quieren lograr con su grupo de apoyo.

La enfermera practicante, Laura Anderson, se dio cuenta después de hablar con varias de sus pacientes que recursos para mujeres de habla hispana eran escarzos. Fue cuando ella decidió colaborar con la enfermera, Francisca Zamora, e trabajadora social, Mollie Gill, para formar un grupo exclusivamente para mujeres de habla hispana.

El propósito del grupo es para que mujeres conozcan a otras mujeres que talvez estén pasando por situaciones difíciles y aquí encontraran apoyo.

La primera reunión está programada para el día jueves 21 de junio de las 5:15- 6:15 p.m. en Beloit Area Community Health Center ubicado en 74 Eclipse Center Beloit, WI. No hay ningún costo para participar e pueden traer a sus niños. También ofrecerán refrigerios y botanas.

“Las mujeres fuertes le hacen frente a los obstáculos diarios de la vida, en ocasiones con una lagrima pero siempre con la cabeza en alto. En las batallas no hay que sentirse sola y es por eso que las invitamos a que participen” dijo Zamora.

Si tiene alguna pregunta puede comunicarse con Francisca Zamora al 608-361-0311. Beloit Area Community Health Center continúa marchando a su meta de ofrecerle Cuidado Integral para toda la Comunidad.