If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately!
Call Community Health Systems
Let us be your home for all your medical, dental and behavioral health needs.
Call us to make an appointment or discuss your bill: (608) 361-0311
During times of high call volume or if you’d prefer, you may also text us at (844) 629-3312
If you would like to request or change an appointment, or discuss your bill, please call our office during business hours (Monday – Friday between 8 am – 5 pm) and a Patient Registration Professional will assist you.
Si necesita hacer una cita, o hacer cambios a su cita, por favor llame a nuestra oficina durante el horario laboral de 8 am – 5 pm de lunes – viernes y uno de nuestros representantes de registración le ayudara amablemente.
How to reach us after hours
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.
If you need a medication refill, please contact your pharmacy to reorder.
To reach a doctor after hours, please call: (608) 361-0311
Our after-hours phone service will connect you to the provider on call.
Si tiene una emergencia, por favor llame al 911.
Si necesita un relleno de su medicamento, por favor llame a su farmacia.
Patient Concerns or Grievances
Patients can submit feedback or concerns by calling 1-888-692-6675 or filling out our Patient Feedback Form.
Media Requests & Speaking Engagements
Contact CHS for all Media Requests at [email protected]
Clinic location & contact information
Spanish interpretation available | 24-hour answering service | Dental Urgent Care (Mon.-Fri.)
Beloit Area Community Health Center
74 Eclipse Blvd
Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: 608-361-0311
- Located adjacent to the Beloit Public Library.
- Medical, dental, and behavioral health services offered.
Contact us via email
PLEASE NOTE: The best way to get fast, immediate attention or to set an appointment is to call our clinic at (608) 361-0311.