
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately!

Call Community Health Systems

Let us be your home for all your medical, dental and behavioral health needs.

Call us to make an appointment: (608) 361-0311

If you would like to request an appointment or to change an appointment, please call our office during business hours (Monday – Friday between 8 am – 5 pm) and a Patient Registration Professional will assist you.

Si necesita hacer una cita, o hacer cambios a su cita, por favor llame a nuestra oficina durante el horario laboral de 8 am – 5 pm de lunes – viernes y uno de nuestros representantes de registración le ayudara amablemente.

How to reach us after hours

If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.

If you need a medication refill, please contact your pharmacy to reorder.

To reach a doctor after hours, please call: (608) 361-0311

Our after-hours phone service will connect you to the provider on call.

Si tiene una emergencia, por favor llame al 911.

Si necesita un relleno de su medicamento, por favor llame a su farmacia.

Questions about your bill

Do you have a question about your bill? Please call:
Dental: (608) 313-3377

Medical: (608) 313-3365

Behavioral Health 608-313-3371

Patient Feedback or Concerns

Patients can submit feedback or concerns by calling 1-888-692-6675 or filling out our Patient Feedback Form.

Media Requests & Speaking Engagements

Contact CHS for all Media Requests at [email protected]

Clinic location & contact information

Spanish interpretation available  |  24-hour answering service  |  Dental Urgent Care (Mon.-Fri.)

Beloit Area Community Health Center
74 Eclipse Blvd
Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: 608-361-0311

  • Located adjacent to the Beloit Public Library.
  • Medical, dental, and behavioral health services offered.

Contact us via email

PLEASE NOTE: The best way to get fast, immediate attention or to set an appointment is to call our clinic at (608) 361-0311.